The information below regarding tuition is provided for your convenience. While we endeavour to publish accurate information; Church Teachers’ College: Mandeville reserves the right to adjust or cancel the charges listed herein whenever it is deemed necessary.
All fees and or incidental charges are for the ensuing academic year and are subject to change by action of the College in consultation with the Ministry of Education without prior notice. The listing does not constitute a contract between Church Teachers’ College and the student. As a condition of registration, each student duly registered MUST pay the appropriate fee(s) in effect at the time of registration. The College strongly recommends against sending monies through the mail.
NOTICE: The approximate fees listed below are for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Full Time Programmes

The fees quoted above are presented in full for the 2024/2025 academic year. Any changes made will become effective August 1 of the new school year.
For more information on student accommodation, please click this link.