The Mission of the institution is to train men and women who will:
Be capable of motivating those they teach and have acquired a zest for knowledge so that they will be motivated to continue life-long learning.
Be highly competent in the application of pedagogical skills.
Be committed to sound environmental practices in order to ensure and enhance sustainable development.
Have developed positive attitudes, values and morals so as to be effective leaders in the communities they serve.
Church Teachers’ College wishes:
To increase student intake.
To be the hub of Teacher Training in the centre of the region.
To train teachers equipped with skills to meet the demands of education in the new millennium.
To continue to facilitate the spiritual, academic and professional development of teachers.
Church Teachers’ College embraces values which include:
Recognition of individual worth.
Excellence in all endeavours Integrity and honesty.
Kindness, love and wisdom Environmental care.
Collegiality, commitment and loyalty.
Total reliance on God, our Maker.
The philosophy of the College is based on two tenets: accent on INDIVIDUAL WORTH and on EXCELLENCE. In pursuing this philosophy, the institution is guided by the belief that in order to achieve our full potential as human beings we need Divine Grace.
We therefore focus on the development of the whole person, including the spiritual, academic, social, physical, cultural, aesthetic, religious and moral aspects of the student’s formation while pursuing excellence in all aspects of Education