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As one who has been a part of the Church Teachers’ College Family for approximately two years and currently its president, I deem it a distinct pleasure to send greetings and  proffer heartiest congratulations and salutations to the college as it celebrates its Golden Anniversary.


An anniversary is regarded as a time of retrospection to access achievements/accomplishments and plan for future developments.


Fifty Years may be deemed a relatively short time in comparison to the life span of other similar institutions, but in this relatively short period of existence, the Church Teacher’s College has risen, population-wise, from a student body of 75 to the present student population of approximately 600 in the full time day programme and almost 300 in the Continuing Education programme, as well as in its academic pursuits and achievements. In addition to its Diploma Programme, it now boasts a Degree Programme and has established another campus on the northern section of the island. Well done!


Records indicate that this institution came into being during the episcopacy of the then Bishop of Jamaica, the Rt. Rev. Percival Gibson, coupled with the driving force behind its establishment of the then Bishop of Mandeville, the Rt. Rev. Benjamin Vaughan. These two co-founders would have been justly proud of the achievements so far. We note also that the first Jamaican Principal was the retired Archbishop of the West Indies, the Most Rev. Orlando Lindsay. It is noteworthy that the present principal is a product of the college, and this is just one of the many examples of the Alumni who are flying the college’s flag high in Jamaica and indeed many countries of the world.


As the college celebrates this milestone and readies itself to face the challenges ahead, for challenges there will be, I re-affirm your theme “Celebrating Fifty Years of Excellence: Repositioning for the Future” and implore you to “Educate with Love and Wisdom” as your motto dictates.


Congratulations to the entire college community and may God continue to bless your efforts for another fifty years and beyond.

The Rt. Rev Howard K Gregory 

Lord Bishop of Jamaica & the Cayman Islands


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Church Teachers’ College (CTC), an Anglican Institution, celebrates over fifty years of successfully engaging the minds of those who consider the vocation of teaching. We continue to offer the highest standard of training in pedagogical skills, and encourage our students as they are destined for greatness, to be world leaders.


We place great importance on the ‘core values’ of Church Teachers College to ensure success on every level. These core values are:


  1. Accountability

  2. Diversity

  3. Quality

  4. Ethics

  5. Professionalism

  6. Research

  7. People


With a constant focus on these values, we are recognized as one of Jamaica’s top rated Teachers’ Colleges. We remain true to the expectations of our staff and students, by providing services, and support, to ensure that each individual’s goal is achieved.


Church Teachers’ College has the reputation of building the foundation of students to become teachers of integrity, who will be integral in the building of future generations.


Come and share in the experience that will influence your life and career choice for the future.


May God continue to bless this institution and all its corporate partners abundantly in building a nation of love, unity, character, honour, and righteousness.

Rev. Franklyn Jackson

Chairman of the Board of Management



I deem it a pleasure to write this message for those who will view our programmes and activities via this medium. I extend a very warm welcome to our new students as members of the Church Teachers’ College family, and trust that your tenure here will be most productive and rewarding.


I want to use this opportunity to specially recognize our past students who have given, and those who are giving human service across the globe. In addition, to encourage them to get involved with their Alma Mater through active participation and the opportunities provided by the technological revolution.


Church Teachers’ College continues to hold firmly to its core principles of excellence and individual worth, as we seek to help those who will come under our influence to maximize their potentials.


At present, several changes are taking place in tertiary education, and so we are now re-positioning ourselves to be on the cutting edge of teacher education through detailed analysis and planning. As such, please expect constant updating of information on the website as the aim is to remain relevant and proactive in our approach.It is, therefore, a pleasure to meet and interact with you via our website.

Dr. Garth Anderson 




Welcome to the website of Church Teachers’ College: Mandeville where we give you a glimpse of our extraordinary institution, a place where we believe in the training of the whole person. We are proud of the sterling contribution that we have made to the lives of countless numbers of men and women who have passed through our doors and of the significant contribution of our alumni in the local and international community.


In this College of choice, we describe ourselves as a family because we believe that every member is significant and must be challenged to give of his/her best. To this end, our day to day activities are guided by our strong Christian principles and the out-workings of our vision, which in part is to train men and women, who are competent, caring and of good character. Our dedicated faculty and staff are deeply committed to working assiduously in order to make the learning experience of our students exciting and fulfilling and to encourage our students to become lifelong learners.


As we embark on a new phase of our operations we are committed to maintaining the very high standards which have become the hallmark of our existence. So we invite you to become a part of this evolving Church Teachers’ College where we remain motivated to inculcate strong moral values and the qualities of integrity and professionalism.


As you explore our site, I trust that you will discover why Church Teachers’ College: Mandeville is the place to be for higher education in Jamaica.

Dr. Janett Singh 

Vice Principal Of Academic Affairs


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Benevolence alone will not make a teacher, Nor will learning alone do it.  The gift of teaching is a peculiar talent and implies  a need and a craving in the teacher himself. - John Chapman

Welcome to Church Teachers’ College, via our Website. Through this medium we endeavour to provide you with adequate sampling of the variety of cultural, spiritual, educational and sporting dimensions of the college that will keep you connected.


Here at the college, excellence is our passion, hence we hold our students to high expectations and ensures that we have an outstanding cadre of staff dedicated to providing enriching experiences influenced by the most effective student-centred pedagogy.


Many outstanding benefactors acted with moral passion in spearheading the establishment of this noble institution in 1965. Today we proudly present it as the college of choice for the discerning prospective teacher. Surely, the college’s ethos and refreshing physical environment will quickly ‘pull’ you in to participate, either in its rich academic offerings or any of its complementary extracurricular and social activities.


Church Teachers’ College – a name indicative of faith, hope and the quest for excellence.


Thanks for visiting – Keep coming back.


Mrs. Samantha Morrison 

Vice Principal Of Administrative Affairs



The Office of the Registrar and the Department of Students’ Services and Examinations at Church Teachers’ College: Mandeville welcome you to our new web site.  It is our goal to provide timely and quality service to all current, former and future students of the college as well as faculty and staff.


Our offices are responsible for maintaining academic records for all students who have ever attended our College.  We are also responsible for registration, course management, course scheduling, grade posting, transfer credit evaluation, and student data reporting and research. Additionally, we are responsible for enrollment and degree verification, final grades as well as transcripts and status letter requests.


In order to accomplish these tasks, we work closely with faculty, staff, and students.  

In addition to this, the Student Development Officer and Guidance Counsellor are integral in our Department.  We aim to utilize the most current technologies to ensure easy access and retrieval of all our records and provide a courteous and professional environment.


I hope you will take a few minutes to look around and please let us know if we can be of any help. Just contact us at if you have further questions or concerns.

Mrs. Marva Watson 


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