Ms. Cassandra Palmer
Head Of Department
This faculty offers courses in the study of people from a socio-cultural perspective. Thus the study of civilizations past and present, cultures, belief systems, methods of political and economic organization, practices affecting man’s mind ,body and spirit as well as his physical environment are key areas of study. Core disciplines in this faculty are therefore Social Studies, Geography, History, Religious Education and Physical Education.
The collection of courses called the Humanities has traditionally been concerned with social engineering. Thus the faculty of Humanities is charged with developing student teachers who are good citizens, capable of playing their part in nation building.
Currently there is an experimental cohort of Physical Education major with a minor in Social Studies.
The courses in Humanities are delivered by a cadre of competent lectures with years of experiences in teaching at all levels of the Jamaican Education system and who have earned post graduate degrees from various well recognized universities.

Staff and Faculty members:

Mr. Patrick Graham
Lecturer - Physical Education
Mrs. Maila Wisdom-Anderson
Senior Lecturer - History
Dr. Gail Simpson
Lecturer - Geography
Mr. Omar Isaacs
Lecturer - Geography
Ms. Vanessa Walker
Lecturer - Physical Education
Mr. Orlando Honeyghan

The departments’ activities on and off campus have been notable and as such it was awarded Second place in the 2014-2015 Department of the Year competition.
College Life
The Department plays a vital role in college life by:
staging the annual Cricket Festival and Sports Day
assisting in organizing the inaugural college Fun Run/Walk
assisting in the procurement of exercise equipment suitable for the college’s newly renovated gymnasium and the maintenance of sporting facilities
broadening students’ cultural awareness by hosting community local historians, folklorists, cultural agents, representatives of the cultural groups and staging concerts, presentations etc. to showcase and celebrate aspects of our culture
preparing students for participation in the Intercollegiate competitions
contributing to the research culture of the college through workshops with Year 1 students
assisting students’ professional growth through seminars presented to students
modeling best practices for environmental preservation.
Community service and outreach
Geography and Social Studies students engage in beach clean-up exercises organized by the Caribbean Coastal Management Foundation in Portland and Clarendon. The department has hosted over 100 participants in a CSEC Religious Education workshops and hopes to extend these to Geography. Lecturers have recently made contributions to workshops organized by the Ministry of Education and the Physical Education Board of Studies. We have adopted the Grove Town Primary school. Schools in the area served by the college, continue to benefit from technical assistance given by the Department on their Sports Days.
These include:
the creation of the Sports Director and Cultural Officer posts filled by Mrs.-Marcia Reid Brown and Mrs. Maila Wisdom Anderson respectively
negotiations with Olympian Deon Hemming-McCatty to use the college as the base for the Central Track Club
family fitness exercise plan to involve the college community in various types of physical activity
the launch of REACH-D, Religious Education Advisory Council for Holistic Development, to sensitize R.E teachers to developments in the teaching and assessment of the subject
the use of tutorials to enhance performance in Geography
offering sports scholarships to attract student athletes.
The Department of Humanities is committed to assisting the college to achieve many more milestones as it re-positions itself for the future.